Behind the Bag | Victoria McEvoy, Irving & Powell

Behind the Bag | Victoria McEvoy, Irving & Powell

If you were to drop by my house on the average day, you'd probably see me wearing one of Vic's beautiful but functional shirts. I love that they align with the Bahru ethos of beauty and practicality and they will see me through a day of designing, gardening, entertaining and kid wrangling - and everything in between! Read on for a snippet of Vic's life as a mum and founder of online clothing brand, Irving & Powell.

B: Who are you and what do you do?

VE: I’m Victoria (Vic) and I have an online clothing brand called, Irving & Powell. We make casual cotton shirts for women right here in Australia, Melbourne to be precise.

B: What is the most beautiful thing you own?

VE: I have a small but growing collection of Mud ceramic pieces. All in varying shades of blue – indigos, eggshells and marine greens. They are obviously visually pleasing but they also have the most wonderful hand-feel when you are using them. I have also been so surprised by their durability. They even love a spin in the dishwasher!

B: What is the most practical thing you own?

VE: Is it ok for me to say my white Irving & Powell shirt? It really does go with everything and I reach for it time and time again so that has to make it the most practical thing I own.

B: What must you have in your bag before you leave home?

VE: My phone, notebook, pencil case and lip balm. Oh and there’s often a ‘Paw Patrol’ figure or 2 for my three year old, Al.

B: Which travel destination is next on your bucket list?

VE: Japan for sure. I’ve been before but only for about a week and I feel like I barely
scratched the surface. But it left a big impression on me. I loved it.

B: What products or brands are you loving at the moment - fashion, homewares or beauty?

VE: Go-To Skin Care by Zoe Foster Blake has very quickly become integral to my daily skin care routine. Her Face Hero oil is like gold in our house…I even caught my husband using it the other day.

I love Cultiver for their amazing linen bedding. You can buy items separately so as a
result I have a collection of colours and stripes that I just mix and match depending on what’s clean!

I can’t believe I’m saying this after the dry summer we’ve been through but it’s been
a wet March and I’ve been eyeing off a Rains Raincoat recently!

B: What are you reading, watching or listening to? 

VE: I’m reading Tara Westover’s memoir “Educated”. I normally find memoirs and
biographies hard to sink my teeth into but I’m loving this one. It reads like novel and
I can’t put it down. We’ve just watched “The Outsider” on Foxtel. It sucked us in right away and had us staying up late to just sneak in one more episode. Added bonus it stars Ben Mendlesohn who is such an amazing Aussie actor. I’m loving that he’s been in so many great things of late.

B: Which bag would you reach for - the classic neutrals or the statement metallic gold or silver?

VE: Definitely classic neutrals, they are just more in keeping with my style.

B: Which is your favourite bag from the Bahru collection and why?

VE: Hmm tricky but it would have to be the Paris Tote in Caramel. It’s the perfect shade of tan and I love the contrast chambray lining. I love the versatility of the different strap options.

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